Salad with Gorgonzola Pear Dressing and BBQ Pop Chips

Lunch time is a good time of the day.  You get to eat and reenergize and I chose to eat salads with Vino de milo’s Gorgonzola Pear dressing and some BBQ Pop Chips.  The salad dressing had a very pleasing, sweet aroma, probably from the Riesling wine, but the dressing did not taste like the sweet aroma it gave off.

The dressing is complex, with ingredients such as mustard, garlic, pear juice and apple juice, but it’s too watery for my tastes.  I like creamy dressings when I’m going to use a milk-based dressing.  Overall, the sweet and tangy flavors were well balanced and I noticed different ingredients in the dressing.  I’ll continue to use the dressing, but I think it may be better for a carrot and celery dip rather than a salad dressing.

However, Pop Chip’s BBQ chips were yummy!  The chips are not baked nor fried!  They are popped using some super high tech secret popping machine.  All the ingredients are natural and taste super good!  I really liked the BBQ Chips.  I want to eat more of them.  Maybe they would be even better dipped in the Vino de milo dressing?