Wateruseitwisely.com Guest Post

We were asked to write up a small post for crossposting on wateruseitwisely.com so here it is…

Water is not as abundant as you may think, in fact, fresh water only makes up for about 1% of the usable water on the Earth. Here are a few tips, in no particular order that I do to conserve my water consumption.

Reduce showering time.

  • I take a 5 minute shower or less.
  • Shower with a friend, but make it quick.

Don’t buy spring water

  • Fill your own bottle up like a trendy SIGG or BPA-Free Plastic.
  • Get a Pur or other filtered pitcher for your home or office.
  • If you have to buy bottled water, recycle the container.

Toothbrushing and shaving

  • Leave the water off unless you actually need it.

I can go on and on and I’m sure there are plenty of websites like WaterUseItWisely.com that tell you what you can do, but seriously, take a look around you do step it up.

We are greening our bathroom here at the Leafygreen.info and for starters we are installing low flow faucets and a dual flush toilet from Kohler, so please check out the site and follow us on twitter.com/leafygreeninfo to see the whole bathroom project unfold.