Wholesome Sweeteners Fair Trade Organic Sugar

Lately I’ve been so concerned with GMOs. Most of the food we consume in America is genetically modified. I decided to search for better alternatives to my regular brown and white sugar.

I vowed to take small steps everyday in order to invest in good health. Small steps can be something as little as buying Wholesome Sweeteners Fair Trade Organic Sugar. This product is also vegan and kosher.

These tiny beige colored sugar crystals were extracted from cane juice, which are rich in molasses. These sugar crystals are slightly larger than refined white sugar. In terms of size, I think of this sugar as the cousin of sea salt because the crystals are almost that big.

There are a couple reasons why I like this brand. One reason is because I don’t need multiple spoonfuls in my beverages. With only 15 calories per serving, I can enhance the flavors of my drink without any guilt. These sugar crystals dilute pretty quickly, which means you don’t have to stir too much.

If you have a sweet tooth like I do, you may want to know what it tastes like raw. Well, it takes a little longer to melt in your mouth, has a surprisingly pleasant crunch, and tastes rich and sweet.

Another reason I like this product is because there are so many ways to use this sugar. Whether it’s baked, cooked, stirred in a beverage, or sprinkled on top of a dessert, the possibilities are limitless. It’s a great alternative to refined white sugar and the ratio I use is the same. I simply substitute white sugar for Wholesome Sweeteners Fair Trade Organic Sugar and indulge.

In addition, this product is wonderful because it’s derived from sugar cane, which was grown and harvested by hand, free of pesticides and herbicides. These cane fields are able to decompose naturally and are never ever burned. By consuming this product, I am making a conscious effort to support the environment.

Lastly, this product is labeled as free trade, which means with every purchase you support farmers from South America. These farmers are able to compete with factory farms. How cool is that? The sugar I bought will help pay for these farmers to send their kids to school.

Overall, I recommend this product. It’s a great alternative to the sugars I used to buy. It’s also not that expensive and can be bought in bulk. If you want a little more variety, Wholesome Sweeteners also sell the other organic sweeteners such as: Coconut Sugar, Dark Brown Sugar, Light Brown Sugar, Raw Blue Agave, Raw Honey, Turbindao Raw Cane Sugar, Stevia, and much more.